What is For Loop?


What is For Loop?

For loop is the Entry Control loop It's having 3 parts Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement All 3 parts are optional. you can skip all or anyone according to your need.
  1. All parts(Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement)

    for(initialisation; condition; increment/decrement)
            //Loop body Instructions 
            //this is a place where you write a set of statements perform again and again
  2. With 2 parts(Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement)
    for( ;Condition;Increment/Decrement)
      //Loop body Instructions 
      //this is a place where you write a set of statements perform again and again
  3. With 2 parts(Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement)

    for(  initialisation;    ;Increment/Decrement)
     {    //Loop body Instructions 
         // There must be one Break statement otherwise it becomes Infinite (∞) 
        //this is a place where you write set of statements perform again and again 

  4. With 2 parts(Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement)
    for( initialisation  ;condition;)
     //Loop body Instructions 
     //this is place where you write set of statements perform again and again
     //increment/decrement/some operation with initialised variable otherwise this loop act as  Infinite Loop (∞) 

  5. With 2 parts(Initialisation,Condition,Increment/Decrement)
    for( ;  ; )
            //Loop body Instructions 
            //this is a place where you write a set of statements perform again and again   

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