This is my first blog about the C-progamming .
In which I try to share my knowledge with you about C-Langauge.

May be in your mind .

C is older language and why we learn that.That question is normally comes and all programmer suggest to learn first C-programming.

Just because if you move to other language then you able to feel comfortable with other languages too.Like you move to C to Java then java is pure Object oriented language So

        how its connect with C ?
              its connected internally when Java interact with Operating system then        System Calls needed and Interaction with CPU and Kernel then all           functions written in C imported in C++ and java called the C++              functions.Indirectly C functions called.Like threading and all

so That's why we should learn C-programming
or if you want to learn Robotics and other hardware Programming then C is best for starting the career with programming field

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