Basic of Websites


Basic of Website

In the Era of information and technology, Each person wants a website for business. We can develop our website from scratch with more functionality and a more user-friendly website. we just need some skills to create a website like:-

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript 




    Website is a collection of Web Pages. Those Web Pages are inter-connected to each other and help to create a complete Website.


What is a Web Page?    


Web pages are a single page of a website. In which some information is provided for the users. Like, you read a particular article on a blog. That particular article knows as a web page of that blog.

Static Web Page

    Those kinds of pages in which content does not vary from user to user.Like this blog or any Wikipedia page. if anyone comes and reads this article that person able to read but not able to write anything and this is about static page. In other words, The value of the web page remains the same regardless of which user access that web page...

Dynamic Web page

    Those kinds of web pages in which content dynamic in nature. For example Facebook page after login: Shows the name of the person in profile and that person's profile picture. Those things (profile photo and name ) are changed from person to person. In any web page have this kind of nature those webpages know as a dynamic web page. 

How to create a Web Page?

    Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript we able to create a web page with some style and some little functionality.

    A Basic Web page can create with the help of HTML but that not looks too good.

HTML stands for 
HyperText Markup Language.HTML file saved with the extension of (.html or .htm). HTML file opens in any web browser and we able to open and see the output as a webpage.


Let's create a basic web page with the help of HTML


<!doctype html>





                 Hello World



The Text was written in an angle bracket known as tags like <HEAD>. Those tags must be close using forward-slash (/) with the tag name like </HEAD>.

Let's take a bit introduction to CSS   and JavaScript

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used to beautify the webpages. Only using the HTML, Web pages look very dull and not much friendly with users. Making a user-friendly, we use CSS along with HTML on webpages.CSS file extension is .css. WE can link one CSS file for multiple web pages.

JavaScript is one of the important parts of a Web Page. Using JavaScript we able to implement some functionality in web pages. JavaScript file extension is .js. We can use one Js file for multiple web pages. 


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