Web Server




 A Web page on the Internet is stored on the computer that is connected to the internet. These computers are known as web servers. Any Computer that has server software installed on it and is connected to the internet can act as a web server.

There are two types of Web Server existed:-

  1. Dedicated
  2. Non-Dedicated


Don't confuse with words, Simple lots of CPUs connected each other and each CPU connected a single hard disk in which all data are stored. 

CPU handle your request like you guys request to print words to screen through the keyboard. Same you guys request a web page from the web server through the browsers ( Chrome etc.)

In Web Server, we mostly consider It a storage device in which web pages are stored. On the other hand, we also think about some stuff like :


  1. who accesses which pages of the website.
  2.  Is it the right person who requests the web page from the webserver
  3. we verify the person and request also.


Yes, we are talking about the digital environment.

 In the Internet world, your IP address is your address of the Internet. We just check your IP is correct and you are a reliable source and through the web server,  

we provide the web page according to the request of the person like Google provides It's search engine and so many facilities. Your web browser is the way to request any page from any web server. Google has its web server same as another website that has different web servers. We just request some pages and use those. Later on, We also discuss public web pages and private web pages.

As we will become a Web developer so we must understand this stuff as well.


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