

What is Web-Site

In today's world every work on using the website.Website is the collection of webpages. Webpages are written in HTML. Website is work by establishing the connectivity between webpages.

Types of Web-Sites

Normally we know about the many kinds of websites like Organization(.org), Military (.mil), Commercial(.com), Education(.edu). County website for example for India(.in), for Pakistan(.pak), for Australia(.aus) etc. But its type of domain who available on more services for websites.

Websites are 3 types.
  1. Surface Website
  2. Dark Website
  3. Deep Website

Surface Website

The surface websites also know as visible websites. Mostly not know that approx 4% of internet websites are available for normal users. Those kinds of websites easily available on the internet and we can be surfing using web-browsers.Those websites are Facebook, Twitter ,etc Read More

Dark Web

It is illegal to suffering in India and many other countries. On these websites having illegal activities are going on like the hiring of Hackers or murders and many more. All transactions are done on these websites in a special currency like bitcoin. Bitcoin is the internet currency and in this currency have no restriction of any governments Read More

Deep Website

We all know that all services like traffic light and mobile services provide by the internet so if any person wants to access that website then go to the deep web Read More

NOTE:-Link with .onion at the end. I request to my all readers please not open those links anywhere because those links are malicious and those links belong to the Deep/Dark web.


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