The Deep Web is the portion of the web that is not indexed or searchable by ordinary search engines. Users much log in or have the specific URL or IP address to find and access a particular website or service. Some pages are part of the Deep web because they do not use common top-level domains(TDLs), such as .com, .gov and .edu, so they are not indexed by search engines, while others explicitly block seach engines from identifying them. Many Deep Web sites are data and content stored in databases that support services we use every day, such as social media or banking websites. The information stored in these pages updates frequently and is presented differently based on a user's permissions.

Some special browsers we need to access these web portion like TOR ( The Onion Root). Tor is a special browser in which it provides anonymity and accessibility of the whole Internet.Tor browser uses proxy chains. Proxy chains in which it's using proxy circuits and putting layers on IP address. The IP address is hidden through those layers changes your IP locations.

NOTE:- if anyone access the deep web then must ensure that his IP address or internet address must be anyone can't see our IP address . if IP address not secure that means anyone can see you footprint on internet and hacker attacks our system. IP address secure by using the VPN (virtual private network) or IP SPOOFING OR TOR BROWSER.

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