What is Dark Web?

Mostly hacker uses this kind of website in this websites having much illegal and legal work are done but mostly illegal work are done.

This is the part of The Deep Web.Most of the peoples think that deep and dark web is same but if you study my previous blog then you know what is the difference between deep and dark web ...

Access to the Dark web is illegal in some country if you want to access those websites and those websites are illegal for your country then use a special browser like TOR or VPN but must ensure when you access those web then no onne can track you if you are tracked by someone then it mayy be infected by a hacker...

The dark web is not indexed by any search engine so your can't access it by a normal browser...

Why Dark Web use?

Dark web use for hiring some hacker or smuggling of any think and it is also used for taking the Information in-depth on any topic.This is most useful for smuggling is SilkRoad and for information gathering hidden wiki.The Dark web user uses different kinds of money for transactions i.e Bitcoin.

What is bitcoin?

This is the Internet currency.This currency having no control by any goverment.

1 bitcoin = $56339.00 US DOLLAR.

The value of bitcoin continuously increased after 2013

who mostly visits Dark Web?

Those people browsing these kinds of websites when wants to take some information or doing an illegal activity using the Internet.But I hope we use for gathering information in-dept not for harming to others.

Here is some links belongs to Dark Web.This blog giving information for education purpose please don't use for harm anyone instead of enhance your security.

  1. http://idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion - The TOR Project
  2. http://v6pgrjno6mzbjicf.onion - The Onion Press
  3. http://am4wuhz3zifexz5u.onion - The TOR Library
  4. http://zbnnr7qzaxlk5tms.onion - Wiki Leaks mirror
  5. http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion - Hidden Wiki
  6. http://dg6exbqq42btatnw.onion - GNUnet file sharing
  7. http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion - Duck Duck Go search engine
  8. http://utup22qsb6ebeejs.onion - "My Hidden Blog" privacy blog
  9. http://hpuuigeld2cz2fd3.onion - Deep Search

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