Basics of HTML


Say Hello to HTML Elements

First, you'll start by building a simple web page using HTML. 

Here are some steps 

  • Open your notepad to windows.
  • H1 is the element of HTML. Below code print Hello World in the browser.

             <!doctype html>

Output of the Code





                        <h1> Hello World</h1>






The above code shows Hello World in the browser. H1 is known as Heading Element in HTML. 

  •  Save the file with a .html extension Like filename.html.
  •  Open this file into the web browser.

Let's understand the code that we wrote above, Browser must understand which version of HTML we use for this problem we use

<!doctype html> helps to tell the browser that we are using the current version of HTML.


<Html> tag helps to telling our HTML document start there.


<Head>  tag helps to connected the CSS and JavaScript.Right now, it's blank. we use head tag later on.


<Body> tag: Inside the body tag we wrote the body of HTML. whatever you wrote its shows in the browser.

we must ensure each tag must be close with the help of a forward slash with the name of an element.


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