what is Statements? How many types of Statements?


What are Statements?
Statements basically instructions using some keyword. In C-Language having 5 kinds of statements

  1. IF-Else Statement
  2. Go To Statement
  3. Switch Statement
  4. Break Statement
  5. Continue Statement
  • IF-Else Statement

             This statement under in decision control statements in which we control the decision of the user and we divided several parts. Each part reflects one case of decision.If else statement having one scenario know as dangling else in which having 2 if statement and one else


    Expected Output is

    0 is Even Number

    1 is odd Number

    2 is Even Number

    3 is odd Number

    4 is Even Number

    5 is Odd Number

    6 is Even Number

    7 is Odd Number

    8 is Even Number

    9 is Odd Number

    10 is Even Number

    Dangling Else Problem Example

  • Go-To Statement

     Go to the statement is kind of Statement. For using GoTo statement created liable for that
    and then go to statement is used. But this is not for good programming practice so it's discard
    or not try to use or Avoid to use.

                               int main ()
                                    int a;
                                       label1: printf (“Enter the number greater than 10: -”);
                                          scanf (“%d”, &a);
                                            printf (“Value of A is: %d”, a);
                                        goto label1;

  • Switch Statement

    Switch Statement is similar to if-else statement but there is one difference between If-else statement and Switch case. Switch case does not work with ranges but If-else perfectly
    works with ranges. In switch case, we can pass the Integer as well as a Character value. Switch-case having one default case if in case values not matched with any case then default case
    runs and shows/perform a particular task.

                                        case  case-number :  set of instruction
                                        default: set of instruction

    If the user entered value is 0 or more than 7 than its display the ‘Invalid option' message otherwise its display the Day of corresponding case.  Switch case having one problem i.e. Race Around Condition in which if we not use Break statement then its start all cases after the match case

    If user enters 1 then it's print the Sunday and also prints each case defined below of case 1 because we forgot to write the break statement after the case block so the compiler executes  every case of the switch case and prints all data of the below cases

  • Break Statement

    Break Statement is the kind of Instruction for the compiler head. Break Statement helps to exit out from the particular block or body if we write the break statement in the while loop then when compiler reads/executes the break statement then compiler heads moves out to the
    while loop body


    Continue Statement is the opposite of the break statement. Through this statement, we giving the instruction to the compiler to continuing the process or we can use continue statements for skipping the particular iteration of the loop.

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