Types of Media?


Types of Media

Today we discuss how to transmission of data into the network. we already know that In-Network devices are connected but how data is transmitted into those devices.

There are two ways for transmitted data into networks

  1. Guided Media
  2. Un-Guided Media  

Guided Media


Guided media are that kind of media in which transmission through cables. Three guided media commonly used for data transmission are Twisted pair, Coaxial Cable, and  Optical fiber. The least expensive and most widely used guided transmission medium is the Twisted pair...Read More

Un-Guided Media


Un-Guided media is data that signals the flow through the air. They are not guided or bound to a channel to follow. Radio Transmission, Microwave, and Satellite Communication are used for transmission data. we can say, we use air for communication so we able to communicate wireless instead of wired and the transmission of data is not bounded like in Guided media. But the cost of Un-Guided media has become more than Guided media...Read More

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